Search For Wisdom a personal market (vs. a mass market). Everything here is about vision and context. My aim is to share content that has made a real difference in my own life and in the lives of those I love. Impact can be encountered in aesthetics, narratives, questions, conflicts, learning processes, experiences and the uncovering of “truth”. Still nothing has impacted my own life like books, poetry, and art. All that I share here has contributed to what little wisdom I have. If you gain some wisdom by exploring what I have here, then I will have passed on something of real value to you. In any case and to that end, I hope to contribute to your “Search for Wisdom”.
This is the beginning of my journey into being much more intentional about mentoring others both near and far. You really want to get my attention. Start reading some of these books.
This website is under construction. Search for wisdom will feature educational resources I have found to be very valuable in my journey as an Urban Missionary in Los Angeles with InnerChange Los Angeles. In a world that is loaded with knowledge… filtering down to resources that actually make a difference can be overwhelming. Everything here will have made a real difference in my life… and hopefully it may make a difference in yours as well.